People and places of Mexico

Colorful houses, dusty skies, over twenty million people, warm air, and golden light—Mexico City, an endlessly inspiring place.

In recent years, a quiet obsession with Mexico has grown within me. When I feel this pull, I may not always know why, but I know I must follow it. I was yearning to return to Latin America—to speak Spanish, to feel the warmth of both the weather and its people. I also craved a sense of discovery, the spark of inspiration that comes from seeing the world with fresh eyes.

I was eager to immerse myself in the photography scene, to experience the city as though I truly lived there, camera in hand. My focus was on photographing Latin American models—brown, Black, non-binary, queer, and female—engaging in meaningful conversations to gain a deeper understanding of the realities they navigate. The result has been new connections and a vibrant collection of images, alive with the color and intensity of a place bursting with life.

Mexico remains my obsession, and yes—I’m already planning my return.

This project was generously supported by the AOP Bursary Fund.

Models: Fernando Montero/ Jorge Saldaña / Alexa Camacho/ Paula Gorozpe / Axayacatl Cruz / Etiópia / Monica Baute    

Shot in Mexico City, 2024

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© Rocio Chacon
Design and Code: Yuval Rozin & Yotam Rozin